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Higher Secondary Course


          The college offers 2 (two) year Higher Secondary Course in Science stream only under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, Guwahati, Assam. Admission is given purely on the basis of merit and is subject to the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) regulations.

Medium of Instruction : 

          The higher secondary programme is rendered through two sections. One is for the students from English Medium background and the other is for the Assamese Medium students. 

Eligibility : 

          A student who has passed the High School Leaving Certificate Examination, or an equivalent examination (10+) recognised as such by the AHSEC, shall be eligible for admission into the First year of the Two year H.S. programme in Science.

          Admission will be given strictly on merit basis.

Super 30 : Monthly tests are held in order to guarantee over-all learning/ understanding of the students. After completion of each teaching point/lesson, all the probable questions are provided to the students; and at the end of the month, a test bearing 20-30 marks is held so as to evaluate the academic development of the students. After the completion of 3-4 monthly tests, a total of 30 students from both the sections (Assamese & English) are selected as Super 30 students, who are provided special care and study materials in order to bring the batch out of them.

  • Number of Seats available : 200 nos. (100 Eng. + 100 As. Medium)
  • Combination of subjects and Subject Codes:

              Sl. No.  Subject                                                                      Subject Code

                           Compulsory Subjects :

                1          English                                                                                   ENGL

                2          MIL (Assamese / Bodo)/Alt. English                            MASS/MBod/ALTE

                            Optional Subjects (Three of them are compulsory)

                1          Anthropology                                                                         ANTH

                2          Biology/ Introductory Computer Application                     BIOL/ COSA

                3          Chemistry                                                                               CHEM

                4          Mathematics                                                                           MATH

                5          Physics                                                                                   PHYS

Note: As per AHSEC regulation, a student offering Computer Science & Application as an elective subject shall have to offer Mathematics and two other elective subjects, i.e. such a student shall have four elective subjects.